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Applications of AI and Machine learning in Medicine - ResolveDatas
Applications of AI and Machine learning in medicine

Applications of AI and Machine learning in medicine

Ever since the term artificial intelligence, AI, was coined, it has been hyped up incredibly in the media. While science has taken its sweet time to catch up with the science fiction concepts of AI, it is safe to say that AI indeed has been a revolutionary technology in the field of medicine.

According to a Deloitte report, more than 75% of all large corporations worldwide have invested about $50 million in AI.

But the actual applications may not be the same as what was previously imagined. While an all-cure expert AI doctor is still nowhere on the horizon, AI is set to enhance the overall service delivery, personalized care systems, and support for making better medical decisions.

Proper implementation from a healthcare AI company can bring down the treatment costs and make the health care system way more efficient than it is now. It could also ease up the various paperwork and manual, repetitive tasks involved in health care.

But with all the benefits that artificial intelligence and machine learning (ML) can provide, it also raises some serious concerns and potential disruptions in the healthcare industry. Therefore, a good AI design will have to make a balanced effort into tapping in the AI capabilities without causing any safety issues.

So, in this article, we will discuss the possible benefits and risks of implementing AI and ML in medicine and explore how these technologies will be used in treatment in the coming future.

Good things first, let’s start with benefits.

Benefits of AI and ML in Medicine


According to a Johns Hopkins University study, medical errors, often the result of manual mistakes or carelessness, result in about 250000 deaths every year. AI can avoid these unnecessary casualties by improving the accuracy of data used in treating patients.

For instance, the best AI medical companies employ ML models to analyze the patient’s profile and which drug would be the best fit for their particular needs. Risks and errors in medical decisions can be greatly reduced with the help of AI-backed insights.

Improved Results And Patient Outcome

AI technology can be used to quickly analyze large amounts of data to arrive at better decisions. This can be directly applied to diagnostics for faster and accurate diagnosis of medical conditions. AI solutions can also help improve timely medical care by predicting any critical health conditions early on with real-time data collection on the patient’s vitals.

Drives Scientific Discovery

AI has proven to be an indispensable tool in disseminating information from various sources and quickly analyzing vast amounts of data. As more health care professionals rely on collaboration and data exchange to find the best possible treatment methods and vaccine discoveries, AI will come in handy to help with the process.

Enhances Human Performance And Manual Errors

A JAMA report suggests that about 25% of medical spending in the US is wasted every year due to inefficient processes. And another Deloitte study notes that inadequate staffing and mismanagement of resources are major reasons behind wasted medical expenses. Using AI could reduce such inefficiencies and enhance manual performance by improving staff management.

Solutions from AI health companies can predict which departments will require additional staffing, allocate medical resources and equipment efficiently to each department depending on their actual needs, and identify practices that will help cut costs.

Knowledge Democratisation

AI solutions can make it easier to share expertise and medical specialization knowledge base with those who might lack such expertise. For instance, a general physician can use AI image analysis techniques to diagnose eye conditions without the need for an ophthalmologist.


A lot of the data entry and computer tasks that take up a considerable amount of staff time can be automated with the help of AI. For example, AI solutions can make medical record-keeping a lot easier, allow for easy information searches, and record every detail of the patient-doctor interaction efficiently.

However, as with all good things, AI and ML integration are also prone to a few risks.

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Tech Integration

Most healthcare institutions and hospitals use their own systems and legacy products to maintain health care data. There is an inherent risk in adopting a new technology based on AI as the guidelines and liabilities on the AI outcomes are still not perfected yet.


Any new technology adoption comes with an initial resistance due to the training involved in implementing the new solutions. Health organizations must put forth a proper training guideline, user roles, audits, and testing to ensure the AI systems are understood and used without bias.

Data Availability And Other Issues

AI solutions need large amounts of data to be able to make meaningful interpretations and pattern identifications. But medical data comes with its own set of regulatory issues and ethical concerns on using patient’s private information. Data collection needs to be carried out ethically, and data leaks must be prevented at all costs. In addition, patients need to be given full disclosure on how their information will be used, and care should be taken to input correct data in the AI models.

Security And Privacy Concerns

As mentioned earlier, data privacy and security concerns are highly critical for a healthcare system. Solutions used by artificial intelligence healthcare companies should take the necessary security precautions to ensure a high level of data protection at all times.

Errors Can Causes Serious Injuries And Are Safety Critical

Though perceived to be based on real data, AI systems can sometimes turn out to be wrong. Any incorrect data feed, insufficient data, and data bias can all contribute to inaccurate results that could result in injuries or more health care problems to the patient if applied without caution. AI errors can cause severe implications as in contrast to a decision made by a single healthcare professional, an AI error can potentially cause problems to a large number of patients.

Bias And Inequality

All AI data models are trained based on the data used initially in their learning models. If there is any bias from those data, it can affect the accuracy of the AI results. For instance, if a particular patient is from a locality or suffers from underrepresented conditions in the data used for training, they might not get the proper outcomes from the AI solution.

Black Box Decisions

Certain medical departments like radiology could shift much of their work to AI automation and could lose the human expertise to catch and control AI errors in the long term. Therefore, care should be taken to avoid solely relying on the black box decisions taken by AI, and that necessary training is included to prevent human knowledge capacity from diminishing.


As you can see, AI and machine learning can prove revolutionary in medicine if appropriately implemented. In addition to driving scientific discovery, the technology can gear up automation and decrease manual errors. All you need is the right AI healthcare company that can ensure flawless execution. That’s when we come into the picture. Backed up by years of experience, we are experts in AI predictive analytics in healthcare and more. To know more about ResolveData and AI offerings, click here.

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